Adding a new Lab or Scan Result

In every client chart, you can document new laboratory results or the results of a scan such as a pregnancy ultrasound. These results are easily referenced and exportable in PDF format. 

  1. Click on "Tests" in the left-hand menu to view results or add a new lab result 
  2. Use '+Add Lab Results' to enter a new lab result where the reference ranges are pre-populated, such as blood type and antibody screen 
  3. For lab tests that do not have reference ranges pre-populated in the system, use the '+add another lab result' at the bottom of the form to add your own tests
  4. Choose to make the lab private from the client, and/or notify another practice member of new labs. You can also attach a PDF file of the results
  5. Once the lab has been saved, add a clinical assessment of the results and any additional comments by clicking on 'Review these test results'. This assessment can be marked private from the client also
  6. Hover over any results to flag them and have them appear in the Alerts section of the Client Highlights menu

How do I add or view an ultrasound or other scan result?

  1. Clicking on "Tests" in the client menu on the left will take you directly to labs. If you want to view or add a new scan result, simply click the arrow next to Tests in the chart tab and the option to go to Scans will appear below labs
  2. Use the '+ Add Scan' button in the right corner to enter new results  
  3. Enter the information for your scan and save it for other users to view, and to add a clinical assessment

Do you have electronic lab integration?

We are exploring the options currently for direct links to commonly used laboratories in the United States. Please email if there is a specific lab you would like us to consider.

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