Managing Care Teams

Care Teams in Maternity Neighborhood are managed at the client-episode level.  There are no practice Settings to manage a practice’s Care Teams (at this time).  The primary benefits of Care Teams is that the practice: can control which staff will always receive client messages, and 2) can designate staff that the Client can message.  

A Care Team is unique to each episode for the Client, and can be set up in the following four ways

1. When adding a Client.

By default, the user (ie Cassandra Marigold in the screen above) adding the client is automatically presented as a person that will be on the Care Team, and is automatically selected for the “Auto-subscribe to messages” and “Allow client to message” checkboxes.  

If you are not a person who should be on the Care Team in any capacity, then you can remove yourself and add (search for) other team members to add to the Care Team.  The search box is valid on the team member’s display name (ie., first and last names, and their credentials).  When you click “Remove,” the other two checkboxes are greyed out.  You are not required to enter a Care Team in order to add the client.  

Note that the "Auto-subscribe to messages" and "Allow client to message" Check Boxes mean:

Auto-subscribe to messages*

You're automatically subscribed to messages sent by the client.

You're selected by default on messages sent by staff members, but staff can always override this.

Allow client to message*

If you're not subscribed by default, the client is allowed to select you when creating a new message.

When the client is replying to a thread that you're not subscribed to, the client is allowed to add you.

2. When adding an episode.

Which can be found by clicking on the three bars for the menu on the top left and then selecting overview and then scroll down to Episodes of Care. Click on Manage.

Again, the staff member creating the episode is automatically added to the Care Team, with both check boxes checked.  However, that person may remove themselves from the Care Team and then add other staff members as discussed above.

3. When editing the client’s Settings tile.

Which can be found by clicking on the settings wheel to the right of each client when on the client list and clicking 'EDIT'. 

The Care Team section of the screen above works exactly the same as it does in the other two screens.

4. When adding a staff member to a message thread.

When adding a message or comment, or editing a message or comment, you may add other staff members that are not currently on the Care Team to a message thread.  If you add a staff member who is not on the Care Team to a message thread, this action will automatically add that staff member to the client’s Care Team for that episode.  When you do this, MN will notify you that the person your adding will be added to the Care Team.  See screenshot below.

Note:  If you add a staff member to the Care Team via the message thread, neither checkbox is checked for them automatically (ie., neither the “Auto-subscribe to messages” nor the “Allow client to message” checkboxes are checked).  You may edit the Client’s Settings tile to change that, if it is desirable for them to have one or both roles.

How to View a Client’s Care Team

  1. Staff can view the Care Team in the Settings tile of the Overview.  Note that if no Care Team is assigned, the client’s settings tile will look like this.

  1. In addition, Clients can view the staff who are on their Care Team in the Overview tile (see screen below).

In cases where no Care Team members are assigned to the Client, the practice’s Account Owner will automatically receive Client messages.


Managing Message Subscribers

Message Subscribers and Care Teams are now closely linked.  You manage the subscriber roles, as already mentioned above, when designating the Care Team.  The roles determine who can be sent messages, or who automatically receives messages, by either a Care Team member, a non Care Team member or the client.  

Message Subscribers - Updated Functionality and Views

The UI for message subscribers has changed.  Here are the ways you can access the subscribers for a client:

  1. As a staff member, when adding a new message.

Click the “View/Change link to show you the people are automatically subscribed to all client messages (checked by default and search box to add other Care Team or non-Care Team staff to the message).

  1. As a Staff member, when adding a comment.

Again, click the “View/Change” link to see Care Team members who automatically receive the message, plus the ability to search and add new staff to the comment.

  1. When editing a message or comment

Again, click the “View/Change” link to see Care Team members who automatically receive the message, plus the ability to search and add new staff to the comment.

Quick Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Messages Button

As a staff member or client, you can click the Subscribe or Unsubscribe button on a message thread, when viewing a message, which provides quick way to make this type of message subscription change.

Other Changes to Note:

  1. Changes to Intake Notifications:

* The "Intake Complete" notification is now sent to Care Team members with the "Auto-subscribe to messages" role (falling back to the practice owner if there are none), instead of to the primary contact.

* We replaced the button for sending an intake reminder to the client with a link named “Send a reminder message”, which takes the user to the Add a new message screen.

* We replaced the button for requesting access to the intake (as a client) with a link, named “contact your provider,” which takes the client to the Add a new message screen.

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