Transport and Transfer of Care (Out Of and Into Your Practice)

Transfer of care can be documented by creating a new Encounter. This would be in the case of a client’s physical move, or a health complication that caused them to be transferred to another health care provider permanently. Please read the following information carefully to be sure you're accounting for your specific situation. The below sections include prenatal transfers/discharges, including clients who will remain in your care after the transfer/discharge or those who have left your care; in labor transfers/discharges; as well as what to do if a client returns to your care after a transfer/discharge. 


Note: if you want to remove the client from your prenatal client list, click the "Leaving Care" button; otherwise, they will remain in the prenatal list. 

In Labor:

For transports from an out-of-hospital setting such as a birth center or home birth, you can add a transport directly in the Labor Flow by clicking on Transport under Actions at the right side or the top of your labor flow.

The Transport modal contains two parts: the first is the Transport information such as the type of transport (Intrapartum, Maternal or Newborn), the Deciding Provider and their contact information, the locations that you are transporting from and to and when the hospital was notified.

The Transportation Details are optional but provide further details about the actual transportation including mode of transportation and when the ambulance was notified. These items can be added from the modal by clicking on Transport in the labor flow or by clicking on the pencil next to the uncompleted lines in the ‘highlights’ section at the top or to the right of the labor flow depending on your screen size.  

All of the completed items appear in the labor flow as you can see above.

At any time, you can click “Export Chart to PDF” to get to the Export options. The default Care Summary will be checked off here but you can add any other items from the chart.

You can also add multiple transports by clicking “+Add another transport” below the transport already documented, for example if the transport is not completed before the baby is born but you need to transport the baby due to respiratory concerns.

Transfer a Pregnancy Back to Your Practice After a Transfer Out:

From the Overview page of the client's chart, scroll to the Pregnancy section. Select Edit in the first section. Remove the date from "Pregnancy End Date" and chose "---" from the "Pregnancy End Type" drop-down. Select Save.

Your client will now be back in the Prenatal Client List. 

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