How to Create Custom Codes

<="" blockquote=""> Who is this guide for:
Account Owner or Practice Manager
<="" blockquote=""> Where to begin:
Practice Settings

Maternity Neighborhood comes with a pre-populated list of the most common codes in maternity care, but Account Owners and Practice Managers can add their own custom codes to the Fee Schedule.

To start, click Settings in the left hand navigation bar. This will take you to the practice settings where you can click on the Billing tile.

You'll then land on the Fee Schedule where you can Add/Edit fee amounts to codes or create custom codes of your own.

To create a custom code select Add/Edit

Then select Add custom procedure, service, or supply

You can now add your own custom code, you'll just need to fill out some key details (procedure code, short description, and fee). You also have the option to add a detailed description so other users can have an in depth knowledge on this custom code.

Once you've filled out the details to your satisfaction click Add and you'll see the code included under Custom.

Attention: Save all the fees entered for pre-populated codes before adding a custom code or your edits will not keep

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