How Do I Make a User Inactive

Who is this guide for:
Account Owner or Practice Manager
Where to begin:
Practice Settings

In Maternity Neighborhood, Account Owners can make users inactive at any time. Making a user inactive does not delete the user from the platform, which allows you to retain access to an inactive's users historical notes. It does prevent the user from logging into their instance of your organization's account and eliminates the user's future access to any charts. When made inactive, users will not be notified of new practice or client-level messages, and will not appear as an option for Care Teams.

To start, click  Settings in the left-hand navigation bar. This will take you to the practice settings where you can click on the Users tile.

Next, select the user whose permissions you'd like to update. This will take you to their profile where you'll see the  Edit button in the top right corner. Once here, scroll to the bottom of the page where you'll see Active. To make the user inactive select "No" and click Save Changes.

The user will now appear in the inactive list of users and can be found here should you want to make them active again.

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