Twins! Tips for charting a twin birth
How do I chart twins? Here are some of the workflows that our users have described to accurately document care for twins prenatally and in labor and postpartum.
- On the Prenatal Encounter note, use the "other" field and note information for "Twin A" and "Twin B"
Optionally: enter a second prenatal encounter note with the same service date to document fetal heart rate and position for the second twin. Fill out the fields in the prenatal flow sheet and leave the fields blank that are maternal information. The second line will appear above the first in the Prenatal Flow.
- For labor and birth, chart fetal updates the same way (duplicating the updates with the same service date and time and noting Twin A or Twin B in the comments)
- Add a second birth by clicking on Birth in the right-hand milestones menu and entering the information for the second twin. The EHR will ask you to confirm that you are wanting to add a second birth and not edit the first one
- Click 'Chart a New Birth' and it will be recorded as Baby B, which will give you the option to identify any newborn update as Baby A or Baby B.