Adding Care Providers and Other Users

  1. From your home screen, you will need to go into the 'Settings' in the navigation menu

  2. Click the 'User' tab, which is located next to the 'Profile' tab. Click the green '+ Add User' button

  3. Fill in the basic information for this User

  4. If you would like to add them as a 'Care Provider', click that option. You will then see 3 other options populate depending on your subscriptions 

  5. If you would like to add them as 'Other User', click that option. You will now see up to 5 options populate, depending on your subscriptions. Choose all options that apply to this User. Click 'Save Changes' once you are satisfied

  6. You will notice 'Options for Other User' above.  These additional permissions for users are based on your configuration and dependent upon your subscriptions to our Care Guide Library or Billing products.

    RELATED Questions

    What is the difference between a Care Provider and an Other User? 

    • A Care Provider is someone who provides clinical care, logs encounter visits and has the authority to diagnose and manage the Problems, Medications and Allergies list. In addition, this user type can use messages, create and use to-do lists, add files, add clients, etc. If you have the Maternity Neighborhood Care Guide you also have the option to make your Care Providers either a Librarian and/or a Sender of resources contained in the Care Guide.
      • A Librarian is someone who can add resources, set resource visibility, and edit the auto-send schedule.
      • A Resource Sender is someone who can attach resources to messages.
    • An Other User is someone who has access to client charts but does not provide clinical care. They do not have permission to create or edit an encounter note in a client’s record, but can edit overview info, send messages, create to-dos, add files, etc.  If you have the Maternity Neighborhood Billing tool you also have the option to make any Other User a Biller.
      • A Biller is someone who can enter billing data for encounters and manage claims.
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