Setting Up Your Practice For The First Time

  1. After creating an account for your practice at, you will receive an email similar to the one below. Follow the link to begin setting up your practice
  2. You will be directed here after choosing a password and reviewing/accepting the Terms & Conditions

  3. In the section labelled 'Practice', click the small green box marked 'Edit' to the far right in order to update your practice's information. Be sure to set your timezone correctly, as this will affect various features of your account

  4. After saving changes, click the the green 'Add a new location' button. Enter the name and whether or not you would like to set it as your headquarters. Also enter the location address information

  5. It is assumed that you are the owner of the account at this point. Therefore, the information that you verify here will be that of the owner

  6. At the bottom of this screen you will need to specify your role in the practice. Choosing 'Care Giver' gives you the option of being designated as a 'Librarian', 'Resource Sender' and 'Practice Manager'. A brief description is given for each role. You can choose one, all three, or none at all. Make sure to click Save Changes when you are done.

  7. Choosing 'Other User' gives you the option of being designated as either a 'Librarian', 'Resource Sender', 'Biller', 'Bookkeeper', and 'Practice Manager'. Again, a brief description is given for each role and you can choose any variation of these. 
  8. You will now be taken to your Client List which acts as your home base to begin day-to-day use of Maternity Neighborhood.                   434-533-0338

P.O.Box2294, Charlottesville, VA  22902     

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