Exporting Client Information - Create a PDF of a Client's Chart

  1. Begin by selecting the client you would like to complete an export for.
  2. You should now be in the client's 'Overview' screen. Click the 'Export' tab in the bottom left, client-navigation panel.
  3. If you generally share clients' charts with them but do not want your client to see this export within their chart, be sure to have the 'Private' box checked at the top of the window. Conversely, make sure it is unchecked for the client to also be able to view and download the PDF file created. 
  4. You can now choose what type of export you would like to do. The 'Complete Care' option will give you an overview of all aspects of the care you've provided. The 'Prenatal' option will give you an overview limited to information for the current pregnancy. (After you have recorded a birth, you will have additional options to just print the newborn information.) 

  5. In addition to the default information that will be included, you can choose any labs, scans, flowsheets, encounter notes (including physical exams) or parts of the client intake form. As well, any files uploaded to the chart that are in PDF format should be available in the export.
  6. When you are ready to preview the items selected in PDF form, click 'Generate Export'. You will now see the PDF as it will look when printed, emailed or faxed. If you have attached files, they will not appear however. You can preview them in the Files tab of the client's chart.

MaternityNeighborhood.com                 support@maternityneighborhood.com            434-533-0338

P.O.Box2294, Charlottesville, VA  22902     

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