Adding A User - Editing Their Role

  1. Once you have logged into your account, go to the 'Settings' section to add another User to your practice by clicking the left Navigation panel drop-down
  2. Go to the 'Users' tab and click 'Add User' in the top-right corner. Enter in the User's basic information, including their name and email address

  3. At the bottom of this screen you will need to specify their role in the practice. Choosing 'Care Provider' will give you the choice of a 'Librarian', 'Resource Sender', or 'Practice Manager'. A brief description of their permissions for each role is given under each option. You can choose one, both, or none at all
  4. Click 'Save changes' and exit to your list of current Users
  5. Your new user will receive an email notification that they have been added to the system and can set up a password and login to the practice. 

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