eConsent - Messaging

  1. Search the client's name and click into their profile. Click the 'Messages' section to the left.

  2. You will see all messages between you and this client, including messages with other eConsents attached. A red or green pencil to the right denotes a message either requesting an eConsent (red), or one where the client has already signed an eConsent (green).
  3. Click 'Add message' at the top-right of the page and you will see the 'New Message' screen pop up. Type the appropriate information into the title and body.

  4. After entering the title and body of the message, notice the section labelled 'Request Signature?'. Here you will choose whether you would like to have the client Consent/Decline or sign with a Signature only. 

  5. You can also choose whether you would like to add any other recipients by clicking on View/Change and then selecting their name or simply by typing their name into the search bar.

  6. You can add files by clicking the paperclip and choosing a file from your device, or you can add resources by clicking the green book and typing the name of the resource you would like to send. Click send when finished.
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