How to Add a Signature

  1. When you log into your profile, click the 'Messages' menu in the list to the left. 

  2. If your care provider has requested a signature and chooses to notify you, an email similar to the one below will be sent to you. Click the link in the email to go to the message.
  3. The message will have options to either 'Ask a question' or 'Sign now.' You will also see the people who will be able to view the message in the 'Recipients' list to the far-right.
  4. If you choose to 'Ask a question,' you will be given a space to write your concern about the information provided. Remember that the recipients we mentioned in the previous step will be able to view your comment.
  5. If you choose to 'Sign now,' you will see a consent/decline option when your care provider requests it. Simply sign with the password to your account to complete this action. Also, you can request more information by clicking the 'Need more information' button and adding a comment to the message.
  6. If you choose to 'Sign now' and do not see the option for consent/decline, then you will only need to enter your password to sign.
  7. Once you click 'Sign,' your primary contact, along with any additional subscribers, will be notified.
  8. After signing the request, you will be given the option to 'Start a new message about this' or 'Download signature bundle.' Choosing to start a new message will bring you to a new message screen where you can type and send your concern. Downloading the signature bundle will allow you to save the message on your computer for your own     434-533-0338     P.O. Box 2294, Charlottesville, VA
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