Subscription Changes and Account Updates

Plan Changes

Can I change my plan?  Monthly subscribers can upgrade or downgrade their plan at any time. Annual subscribers can upgrade anytime by adding additional capacity. If you are the account owner, just go to the Dashboard and select the Settings link in the upper left corner. Your Practice information tab will have the subscription information current for your account. You can also contact or call us at 434-533-0338 with any questions. 

What happens when I upgrade? When a user upgrades their account, the new changes take effect immediately and they are charged at a prorated amount for the remaining days of their month. In other words, If they moved from $100 to $200 half-way through their month they only get charged $50.

Updating Account Information

How do I update my Credit Card? Login to Maternity Neighborhood and click on the practice navigation menu (three horizontal bars on the top left) > Then click on 'Settings" > Then click on 'Practice' > Finally, scroll to the bottom of this screen and you should see the card we have on file with an opportunity to 'Edit' it to the right hand side. It may take 5-10 seconds for the credit card on file to sync in but it is available there for update.

How do I edit the Practice name? To change the name that your clients see when logged in, the account owner can edit what appears (along with phone number and other contact instructions) on the “Settings” page under the "Practice" tab.

How do I change the Account Owner for my subscription? To change the “Account Owner” - the person who can upgrade/downgrade the account and add other users - just have the current account owner email and request the change along with identifying who should now be the account owner. We will then make the change. Currently your account can only have one Account Owner.                   434-533-0338

P.O.Box2294, Charlottesville, VA  22902