To-Do lists and Templates

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do I edit my To-do templates? This is one of the things accessible in the practice menu next to your practice name in the upper left-hand corner. Now you can access the templates from any place in Maternity Neighborhood. The Templates that Maternity Neighborhood created as an example are already available in this menu. 

  • I created a to-do in a individual client's chart, but now I want to use it as a template? No problem. On the client's To-do tab, click add new list at the top right corner.

     One of the options that appears is to "Use a to-do list template or name your new list" the other is to make your to-do list private. Once that is selected and saved, it will appear as a to-do list template that is available to add to any chart. You can even delete it from the chart where it was originally created. You can further add to or edit the list by clicking on the To-do tab on the dashboard.

  • How do other practices use to-dos? Every practice uses To-dos differently. Some use subject matter-based lists like the examples that were in the EHR when you started. Some practices set up gestational age-based lists that correspond to checklists they had already been using. Some also use diagnosis-based lists for plans of care. 
  • I created a to-do list, but now it's not there when I try to add it to a client? You might be making a common mistake, having written out a To-Do list but not saved it as a Template yet. In the left navigation menu, there are tabs for "To-Dos" and for "To-Do Templates". The Dashboard "To-dos" are to-do lists you might create for the practice itself, like an office supplies list, internal training etc. The Dashboard "Templates" is where you construct to-do lists that can then be added as to-dos in individual charts. Once you are in a specific client's chart, you go to the Client's "To-dos" and select from among your templates and add those to the to-dos to appear alongside encounter notes.
  • Using to-dos for consents and other documents: One helpful hint is that you can put a hyperlink in a to-do list. It is clickable in the sidebar while charting in an Encounter Note, and after it is checked off and posted.

    Some practices use this for midwives to access needed information on the web or even saved to a public Dropbox folder. Please see the eConsent documents for more ways to send clients consents and other documents. 

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