Librarian - Knowing Your Role

As a Care Guide Librarian, it is your role to add resources, set resource visibility, and edit the default auto-send schedule. You can also create and edit additional content libraries and send them on an auto-send schedule as well. Your typical tasks may be sending education and engagement materials to clients or adjusting the auto-send schedule to match different stages in a pregnancy. If you are unable to add content to the Library, please check that you have been assigned this role by the account owner. 

Getting Started

  1. The 'Resources' section can be found at the top-left of your screen within the Navigation drop-down. Click the 3 horizontal lines to open the navigation menu

  2. All of the content available to you in the Care Guide will be listed in this section. This includes your own uploaded files

  3. Uploading your own documents can be done by clicking the 'Add your own content' button. You can fill in the title and summary for your piece

  4. You can file it in a particular category by checking the proper box(es). Feel free to add your own topic in the space provided at the bottom

  5. The next section will be where you choose what gestational or postpartum age this content will be sent to your clients. When your client reaches a certain milestone, they will automatically receive the resources associated with it if sharing is enabled and the auto-send schedule is activated on their chart (default setting).
  6. If you wish to send this to all of your clients, check 'Yes' under 'Add this to the autosend schedule'. This does not mean the document is sent to all of your clients as soon as it is added.  Finally, click 'Add this content' to save

Editing Content Settings

  1. After adding the content to the Library, you should see the screen in the image below. You can edit the information about this resource by clicking 'Edit Resource'.

  2. Click 'Auto-send' to edit when the resource should be sent to your clients.

Sending A Personal Message

  1. If you would like to send a resource to someone directly, you will need to click the small green envelope. You can then start typing the client's name and click the appropriate choice. Click 'Select'
  2. This will bring you to the 'New Message' page where you can customize your own message. If you would not like the client to see this message, check the box by private. You also have the option to request a signature. 

  3. You can also allow subscribers (other users for the account) to join the conversation by clicking on View/Change and then either selecting from the list or simply typing their name into the search bar below.

  4. When finished click 'Send'. This will bring you to a page where you can edit and add a comment to the record.

Editing the Auto-Send Schedule

  1. This can be done by clicking the 3 horizontal lines, then clicking on the Settings and finally clicking the Library Auto-send tab.

  2. This screen shows the default Auto-send Library. You can reorder the resources for that schedule by clicking and dragging the green double arrow icon to the week (indicated by numbers to left) that it should be sent

  3. Edit when a certain resource is sent by clicking the green calendar icon. You can remove it from the schedule here as well

  4. You can also deactivate auto-send here by clicking the green button 'Deactivate auto-send'

  5. To view resources in specific content Libraries, click on 'Filter' and choose the Library you wish to view in the pop-up box. 

  6. You can create new Libraries of specific content by clicking on 'Libraries' in the practice Settings and adding "+New Library".                   434-533-0338

P.O.Box 2294, Charlottesville, VA  22902     

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