Messaging a Client
- After searching the client and clicking into their profile, click 'Messages' in the menu to the left
- In this screen you will see all of the previous messages you have sent to this client. To add a new message click 'Add message'
- Enter the title and body of the message
- If you want this message to be private make sure the box is checked next to private. With a Care Guide subscription, you can now add the request for a signature to any message. See eConsents for more information.
- Add Users at your practice to this message thread. To do this click on View/Change and then either select their names from your list or start typing them into the space and their names will automatically pop up as you type. *Note: if you're expecting a client's return message to automatically be sent to those on the "Auto-subscribe" Care Team, please be sure that you do not de-select that person from the recipients list. For example: if I am messaging a client and I want the client's response to be sent to Lucy Hammel (from the below example) because Lucy is part of the client's auto-subscribed Care Team, I will make sure "Lucy" is selected as a recipient. If I de-select Lucy and the client responds, Lucy will not receive the message since I did not select her as a recipient, so she is not on the "reply-all."
- If you would like to add resources and are subscribed to the Care Guide, you will need to click the green book icon. Simply type in name of the resource from the Care Guide and select it to add it to the message or select one from the list.
- You also have the option of adding a file that is not searchable in the Care Guide. For this, you will need to click the green paperclip and select the file from your device.